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Veterans disability lawyer Florida

Veterans Disability Lawyer Florida

Your Veterans Disability Lawyer

If your service-related injury resulted in a disability, you are entitled to receive benefits from the VA. Disabilities have a significant impact on your life, and when your condition leaves you unable to work, your first call should be to Gregory M. Rada, Attorney at Law. As a disabled veteran himself, attorney Greg Rada understands how frustrating it is when the system becomes an obstacle instead of a resource. He is a VA-accredited attorney and knows exactly what to do to get you the compensation you need to cover medical bills, housing, and life expenses. Let our Florida veterans disability lawyer handle the filing process so you can focus on what matters most. Call now to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.

How Our Veterans Disability Attorney Can Help You

To secure disability benefits, the VA requires service members to meet certain criteria. The leading cause of claim denials is incomplete or inaccurate paperwork. Our Florida veterans disability lawyer will streamline this process and break down every step so you can move forward confidently and maximize your disability benefits.

Some key documentation that our attorney will help collect on your behalf includes medical records, service records, and your disability rating. To be eligible for VA disability benefits, we must be able to prove that your condition or injury happened while you were serving or was made worse by something that occurred during your service. Having complete medical records is a key factor for this argument. Furthermore, the symptoms of your disability need to be current. Our attorney may suggest evaluations by independent doctors if your documentation seems incomplete or does not fully express how your disability impacts your life. We can connect you with reputable providers.

Your VA disability rating is directly linked to your benefits amount. Your rating needs to be at least 10% to qualify for compensation. Ratings can change over time as your condition progresses. If you believe that your rating is inaccurate, we will help you file the necessary documents to get reevaluated. Furthermore, we can petition for permanent benefits if your disability will prevent you from securing employment for the rest of your life.

When To Get Legal Help With A Veterans Disability Claim

If you believe you are eligible for VA disability benefits, we advise scheduling a consultation right away. We can walk you through every stage of the claims process to help you avoid common mistakes and unnecessary delays. When you retain our VA disability attorney, you get a fierce advocate who is dedicated to fighting for your rights and interests.

If you have already filed for benefits, it is not too late to seek legal guidance. We have experience fighting denials and reductions in benefits. Our attorney will build your case and compile evidence to get your disability benefits reinstated or increased depending on your condition. We understand how challenging it is to deal with the system, and too many veterans give up pursuing the compensation they are entitled to. All of our legal fees are advanced until after your claim is approved, so you don’t have to worry about financial barriers standing between you and the legal representation you need.

A Veteran, For Veterans

Attorney Greg Rada is a staunch supporter of veterans’ rights and support systems. He has dedicated his career to bettering the lives of disabled veterans. If you are struggling to obtain benefits or have questions about how the VA claims process works, schedule a meeting with our Florida veterans disability lawyer today. You served our country, now let us serve you. Call the offices of Gregory M. Rada, Attorney at Law, to stand up for your rights and get you the disability compensation you deserve.



1580 N Logan St, Ste 660, PMB 4545
Denver, CO 80203

Representing Veterans Nationwide