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Whistleblowers Who Come Forward

Posted by Gregory M. Rada | Firm News

Deciding whether to bring to light an issue in the workplace can be a daunting idea. It takes plenty of courage to take action. There may be days when you want to proceed, and others where you have immense fear about whether your actions are going to come back around and make things harder for you. However, ultimately, stopping wrongdoing in the workplace is not only going to make the situation better for you, but for those to come in the future. 

Unfortunately, if people can get away with the wrong way of doing things, they often will. Then once it becomes a habit and more money is made through unjust means, these people may think their actions are okay and continue the path they are on. While some may excuse their behavior and claim that everyone does it, this isn’t the reality and such reasoning should be frowned upon. Many reputable companies obtain an alarming amount of money through abuse schemes or fraud, including financial markets, medical fields, government contracting, and other industries. 

So what does this mean for you, if you are trying to decide whether to blow the whistle on a company or not? If you are in a position to do so and are even considering taking action, that is something to applaud yourself for. Many people witness wrongdoings happening all the time but choose to not involve themselves. But until someone with a strong sense of integrity comes around and takes notice, serious issues can continue to occur. 

After you submit a whistleblower claim or case, you may be pleasantly taken aback by how much the government appreciates the fact that you came forward. There are reliable mechanisms in place that help whistleblowers tidy up companies that operate without honesty. As a whistleblower lawyer from Eric Siegel Law explains, it can be impressive to witness the way that government agencies work together to solve a case. As a whistleblower, the best thing you can do is provide detailed information to the questions you are asked so that the investigation process can run smoothly. 

A whistleblower won’t be called constantly, but when questions are asked of you it’s imperative that you respond as promptly as you can, no matter how busy you are. When answering inquiries, stick to facts, and if you aren’t sure, then state so. How much effort you put into the case will be what eventually determines the outcome and how successful the case is in terms of timing and thoroughness. Keep in mind that to resolve the case, it’s not only a matter of being privy to who committed the wrongdoing. It likely required plenty of effort for the company to carry out a scheme and accrue wrongful monetary gain because of it. Solid evidence must be gathered rather than just accusations without factual information. 

As a whistleblower, you may be making more of a difference than you realize. It takes bravery to come forward when you witness something happening that isn’t just. The government appreciates whistleblowers who help them take down people who are not operating from a place of principle and forthrightness.