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VA Establishing Presumptive Service Connection for Camp Lejeune Tainted Water

Posted by Gregory M. Rada | Disability Compensation,Legal Update


The VA announced on Monday that it is beginning the process to amend its regulations and establish presumptive service connection for certain conditions from exposure to contaminated drinking water at U.S. Marine Corp Base Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. The VA already provides health care services to veterans who have any of 15 conditions and who were stationed at Camp Lejeune for at least 30 days between August 1, 1953, and December 31, 1987, but the new regulations will permit veterans to receive disability compensation.

The conditions currently being reviewed for presumptive service connection are kidney cancer, angiosarcoma of the liver, and acute myelogenous leukemia. The VA says it is also reviewing scientific research regarding the chemicals of Benzene, Vinyl Chloride, Trichloroethylene, and Perchloroethylene to see if any other medical conditions warrant presumptive service connection. Amending regulations can take months or even years, but this is outstanding news for veterans who were stationed at Camp Lejeune. The Marine Corp encourages veterans who were stationed at Camp Lejeune prior to 1987 to register for notifications regarding Camp Lejeune Historic Drinking Water.

Sources: VA Press Release; VA Website on Camp Lejeune; U.S. Marine Corp Camp Lejeune Drinking Water Registry