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What Is The Job Of A VA Lawyer?

Posted by Gregory M. Rada | February 24, 2022 | Disability Compensation,Firm News,Legal Update,PTSD Benefits,State Veteran Benefits

In my opinion, a VA representative’s job is two-fold. First, help the veteran win their appeal for disability compensation benefits by obtaining the evidence needed to win the claim and putting forth persuasive legal arguments. Almost as equally important is to review a veteran’s entire VA claims file to determine if any additional past-due benefits… read more

VA Proposes to Change How it Rates Sleep Apnea

Posted by Gregory M. Rada | February 16, 2022 | Firm News

The VA announced that it is beginning the process of amending its rating criteria for sleep apnea to change the way it assigns ratings. These changes are currently in the proposal stage and are subject to change before they are finalized in the following months. Why is VA Revising the Rating Criteria for Sleep Apnea?… read more

VA Proposes to Eliminate Tinnitus as a Standalone Disability

Posted by Gregory M. Rada | February 16, 2022 | Firm News

The VA announced that it is beginning the process of amending its regulations to eliminate tinnitus as a standalone disability. Instead, tinnitus will only be evaluated as part of an underlying condition, such as hearing loss, Meniere’s disease, or TBI. Keep in mind this is currently only a proposal and has not been finalized. Why… read more

VA to Amend Rating Criteria for PTSD and Other Mental Disorders

Posted by Gregory M. Rada | February 16, 2022 | Firm News

The VA announced that it is beginning the process of amending its rating criteria for PTSD and other mental disorders. These changes are currently in the proposal stage and are subject to change before they are finalized in the following months. Why is VA Revising the Rating Criteria for Mental Disorders? The VA continuously revises… read more

Evaluating Subjective Symptoms Due To TBI

Posted by Gregory M. Rada | December 29, 2021 | Disability Compensation,Health Benefits,State Veteran Benefits

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is among the most significant injuries former combat veterans suffer. According to health officials, there has been an uptick in TBI in military service members who served in Afghanistan and Iraq. This is because of the enemy’s use of roadside improvised explosive devices (IEDs). However, not all TBIs  are caused by… read more

Diagnosis of Current Disability: Here’s What You Need To Know

Posted by Gregory M. Rada | November 16, 2021 | Disability Compensation,State Veteran Benefits

In order to win a claim for service connection for a disability, you must have a diagnosis of a current disability. Without a current diagnosis, the VA may deny your claim without even examining you. The process of obtaining a diagnosis for a disability is similar, whether it resulted from an auto accident, a fall,… read more

Common VA Errors That Can Be Corrected By an Appeal To Court

Posted by Gregory M. Rada | October 16, 2021 | Disability Compensation,State Veteran Benefits

The VA, unfortunately, often makes errors when adjudicating disability claims. The mistakes in judgment may lead to a low rating or a total denial of disability compensation. If you’ve received a low rating or have been denied disability compensation benefits by the Board of Veterans’ Appeals, you should check to see if the VA made… read more

Requirements for a Successful Section 1151 Claim

Posted by Gregory M. Rada | September 28, 2021 | State Veteran Benefits

If you or a loved one were harmed – or worse – by care received in a VA facility, then one of your options to recover against the VA is to make a “Section 1151 claim” which is a type of medical malpractice claim. If successful, the injury you suffered will be considered to be… read more

Service Connection for Diseases Associated with Exposure to Asbestos

Posted by Gregory M. Rada | September 27, 2021 | Disability Compensation,Health Benefits,State Veteran Benefits

Winning a claim for service connection for asbestos-related diseases can be difficult due to the need to prove you were exposed to asbestos. Proving asbestos exposure to receive disability compensation benefits can be a complicated process that is likely to be daunting in the face of the health concerns you’ve been forced to deal with…. read more

VA Benefits for Family Members: Important Things to Know

Posted by Gregory M. Rada | September 23, 2021 | State Veteran Benefits

Veterans serve our nation proudly, and their families and loved ones are often required to bear considerable hardship of their own as a result. In response, the VA provides certain benefits for the spouses, dependents, survivors, and caregivers of veterans. If you have questions or concerns about family member benefits, look no further than an… read more