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VA Rating Reduction Lawyer Virginia

You sacrificed a lot to serve your country, including your health. Now, the Veterans’ Affairs benefits you depend on could be reduced – or even ended. It’s understandable to feel nervous about your disability benefits being reduced, and no one understands your anxiety and worries like Gregory M. Rada, Attorney at Law.

The VA can reduce your disability rating if it determines that your disability has gotten less severe over time (and, therefore, you’re able to sustain gainful employment).  The agency may take a couple of different approaches to reduce benefits, although a reduced disability rating may not be final. You’ll also receive notification about the reduction and have the right to appeal this decision. An experienced Virginia VA rating reduction lawyer can help guide you through the red tape and paperwork as you try to preserve your benefits. Call Greg today for a free case review.

How Can A Virginia VA Rating Reduction Lawyer Help Me?

The VA periodically schedules re-examinations for some disabled veterans receiving benefits. Not all disabilities are subject to these re-examinations. Usually, only disabilities that may potentially become less severe are re-examined.

The exam may evaluate:

  • Whether your symptoms still present the same level of severity
  • Whether you have the same disability as you initially filed a claim for

The doctor may check other things, too. The goal of the exam is to ensure that only veterans who need benefits receive them. However, if you get a notice of a required re-examination, this doesn’t mean that your benefits will be reduced immediately. You have a right to Due Process—your disability rating won’t be reduced without permitting you a chance to contest the VA’s determination.

Your veterans benefits lawyer can help you draft your appeal and advise you of the right supporting medical records and other documentation you need to support your claim to maintain your rating. An attorney can also present your appeal to the VA and argue on your behalf.

Legal Advice For Appealing Your Rating Reduction

If you attend your re-examination appointment and your disability and symptoms have not changed since your initial diagnosis, then the VA won’t reduce your benefits rating. Even before you go to your re-examination appointment, you may wish to talk to a VA benefits attorney. They may be able to help you manage your exam appropriately and advise you of what kind of supporting documentation may be of benefit to take to the exam.

Your Due Process proceedings start with a notice from the VA that your disability rating will be reduced. You have 60 days from the notice to rebut the rating decrease, including requesting a redetermination hearing. This, however, must be requested within 30 days of the notification. You can see why it’s important to talk to a layer fast.

Book Your Free Consultation Today!

Do you need help with a VA rating reduction? Our legal team can help you get the full VA benefits you’re entitled to and appeal any rating reduction on your behalf. Gregory M. Rada, Attorney at Law, supports Virginia veterans and works tirelessly to serve those who served our country. Call Greg today for a complimentary case review!

Impact Of VA Rating Reductions

We want to address the challenges that come with a rating reduction and provide clarity on how a Virginia VA rating reduction lawyer can assist in such situations. Gregory M. Rada has been representing his fellow veterans before the Veterans Administration since 2012. He started After Service LLC so veterans would have access to a law firm founded by a veteran. Receiving a VA rating reduction can be a frustrating experience for veterans who have relied on their disability benefits. When the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) reduces a disability rating, it often leads to significant changes in monthly compensation and the overall support veterans receive.

Reasons For Rating Reductions

A reduction in VA ratings can occur for several reasons. The VA may determine that a veteran’s condition has improved or that the initial rating was inaccurately assessed. This reduction can happen without prior notice, which often leaves veterans feeling blindsided and unprepared. It’s vital to understand that a reduced rating can affect not just monthly compensation, but also access to healthcare, housing allowances, and other benefits. The emotional and financial impact can be overwhelming, making it essential to approach the situation with the right support.

Appealing A Rating Reduction

For veterans who receive a denial regarding their rating reduction or the adjustment of benefits, it’s crucial to act promptly. The VA provides an appeals process that allows veterans to contest these decisions. However, the process can be intricate and time-consuming, which is why having a Virginia VA rating reduction lawyer by our side can be invaluable. These lawyers can guide us through the appeal, helping us gather necessary documentation and evidence to support our case. They understand the VA’s criteria and can present a compelling argument to contest any erroneous decisions made regarding our benefits.

Addressing Denials

In addition to appealing a rating reduction, our legal representation can also help address potential issues that may arise from a denied claim. Denials can stem from various factors, such as insufficient medical evidence or the need for more detailed information regarding our condition. A skilled lawyer can assist in compiling and presenting the necessary medical records, personal statements, and other relevant documents that demonstrate the ongoing impact of our disability. This comprehensive approach can significantly strengthen our case and improve the chances of a favorable outcome.

Emotional Toll And Support

The emotional toll of a VA rating reduction or denial can be heavy. Many veterans experience feelings of anxiety, frustration, and uncertainty about their future. It’s essential to remember that we are not alone in this process. By enlisting the help of a lawyer, we can work collaboratively to navigate the complexities of the VA system. Our legal team can act as advocates for our rights, ensuring that our voices are heard and that we receive the benefits we deserve.

Get The Support You Need

At Gregory M. Rada, Attorney at Law, we are committed to supporting veterans through these challenging times. We understand the importance of maintaining our benefits and are dedicated to helping us fight back against unjust reductions or denials. If you are facing a VA rating reduction or have received a denial, we encourage you to reach out to us. Our experienced team is ready to assist in reviewing our case and developing a strategy tailored to our specific situation. Contact our Virginia VA rating reduction lawyer today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward reclaiming the benefits you have earned.

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Client Review

"Greg is an amazing lawyer that you should hire! I wanted someone who was also in the military and could understand how the VA system works to help me win my appeal for my TDIU benefits, and he managed to win my case. Thanks again!"
Pauline O'Connell
Client Review