VA migraine ratings Virginia
VA Migraine Ratings
If you have a service-related injury, you are entitled to receive disability benefits to offset your ability to secure employment. You’ve served our country, and now Gregory M. Rada, Attorney at Law, is ready to serve you. Attorney Greg is a veteran working for veterans. With extensive experience handling VA disability claims and advocating for veteran rights, he is the person you want by your side to secure the benefits owed to you. Greg understands how severely migraines can impact employability and will leverage Virginia VA migraine ratings to get you the financial support you need. Call now to schedule a free and confidential consultation.
Service-Related Migraines
Many veterans struggle with migraines due to service-related injuries. Migraines are a long-term condition resulting from head trauma, TBIs, tinnitus, and more. These severe headaches are debilitating and can cause a myriad of issues, including blurred vision, trouble hearing, loss of focus, vertigo, and excruciating pain. When you are dealing with migraines that are uncontrollable by medication, this condition is labeled prostrating, which means that symptoms are so severe you are unable to live or work normally.
Prostrating migraines can make you feel exhausted, confused, and unable to perform daily activities. It is unlikely you will be able to secure employment as it is impossible to keep to a schedule or work when a migraine hits. If your migraines are linked to something that happened while you were serving, like an explosion or fall, the VA will recognize it as a disability. As the intensity of migraines varies, benefit amounts are based on a rating system. Our Virginia VA migraine ratings attorney can help you file the claim, collect the necessary medical documentation, and find the healthcare resources you need to improve the quality of your life.
How Your VA Migraine Ratings Impacts Your Benefits
The VA has four migraine ratings. As a VA accredited lawyer, our job is to help you get appropriate Virginia VA migraine ratings and the full compensation you are entitled to. The lowest rating is 0%, which means that your migraines are infrequent and unlikely to impact your ability to find work. A 10% rating is applied when migraine attacks are limited to a bimonthly basis. The third tier is 30%, and veterans with this migraine rating experience prostrating migraines at least once a month. The most severe rating is 50% and is assigned when attacks happen often, last for extended periods of time, and make it extremely difficult to function normally.
Depending on your VA migraine rating, you may be eligible to receive benefits. Our attorney works with you to get proper medical evaluations and collect evidence that shows how your migraines limit your ability to work. A 50% rating may entitle you to TDIU benefits. However, even lower ratings are eligible for compensation because migraines can also be listed as a secondary condition to other service-related disabilities.
Legal Support For VA Migraine Ratings
Gregory M. Rada, Attorney at Law, specializes in VA disability compensation and understands how challenging it is to file a claim on your own. Attorney Greg Rada is a disabled veteran, so he has first-hand experience dealing with the confusing benefits system. If you are suffering from migraines caused by an incident while you were serving our country, let Greg help you get the financial support you need and deserve. All consultations are free and come with zero obligations. Contact our office today to get our Virginia VA migraine ratings lawyer started on your case.
1580 N Logan St, Ste 660, PMB 4545
Denver, CO 80203
Representing Veterans Nationwide