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Connecticut VA Benefits

Posted by Gregory M. Rada | State Veteran Benefits

Considering I benefited from Connecticut’s veteran programs, it’s right that I  review of some of the more popular state benefits available to Connecticut vets. In my opinion, the most helpful benefits are:

Tuition Waiver

You are eligible for a tuition waiver if you are an honorably-discharged wartime veteran accepted to a state college and residing in Connecticut. A “wartime” veteran is someone who has served at least 90 days active duty during a period of war. Tuition will be waived at the University of Connecticut, any Connecticut State University (Eastern, Central, Western, Southern), and any of the state’s 12 Community-Technical Colleges. Other costs are not waived – such as books, parking, room and board, and student/course fees. You can, of course, use your Post-9/11 GI Bill to cover those costs.

Property Tax Exemption

State law mandates all towns give qualified veterans a property tax exemption ranging from $3,000 to $1,500, depending on the veteran’s income. Besides the state-mandated exemption, its important to know that towns are allowed to grant additional exemptions. To qualify for either or both exemptions, you will have to bring a copy of your DD-214 to your town clerk.

Retired Military Pay Exemption

Starting in 2008, perhaps in a bid to slow the stem of retirees moving to Florida and other states with no income tax, Connecticut began exempting 50% of veterans’ federally-taxable military retirement pay from state income tax. Up until then, Connecticut was one of only six states that did not exempt from state income tax any portion of a veteran’s military retirement pay.

While I think these are the most significant benefits available to veterans in Connecticut, you should check out the Connecticut Department of Veterans’ Affairs website which offers a comprehensive list of all state benefits (veteran employment, news and events, health care information, housing information, and burial benefits). 

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